My website got SHUT DOWN :(

September 4, 2013

At this point I wish life was as easy as how it seems when you are five years old the only problem that seems to be is not being able to color pages with out coloring out of the lines.

Recently my website was shut down and of course I was not aware of it. Two years worth of work is now gone! Although my little heart is in pain because of this I have to get up and construct this all over again. It is going to be a process but I hope it won't take too long because this is what I do and I want to keep my online presence active. At a young age I've taken responsibility with this business and boy is it stressing at some points but I will say that it is SO worth it...not only because it helps pay the bills but boy do I LOVE doing this. To me it doesn't even feel like work most of the time it feels like a privilege to be taken serious at a young age and able to document people's private lives. Just wanted to vent a little because I'm feeling overwhelmed with not only this but school(even though it hasn't even started), my private life, and just the norms in the adult life.(and yet I still live with my parents)

So what are you trying to say in this post Lupita??

Bottom line: I miss my website and wish I didn't have to do anything but seriously but I do wish life wasn't as complicated.


On the bright's a sneak peak of my next post...I'm super stoked to share!!

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