I love to go California during Spring Break. It's quite different from Oregon.
I always walk down this sidewalk...always...and the view hasn't changed one bit.
Santa Monica is gorgeous.
I promise I won't post a lot of selfies here.

The trick to get strangers to take photos for you is to offer to take photos of them with their phones first ;)
My cousin Flor came along as well.
My first Lakers game....whhaaa?
This is a cute shopping mall on Figueroa and 7th downtown Los Angeles. Its not quite finished yet but there's the smallest target I've encountered. We went for some Starbucks inside and it was much needed after walking all day.
Plaza Mexico is one of the cutest places in the Los Angeles area...I loved it.
See, I forgot my doctor advised me to avoid eating spicy things and what do I do? Order a diablito.
It's shredded ice mixed with spicy power seasoning and mango.
Please go to the Fashion District in downtown and buy yourself a street hot dog, you'll do your taste buds a favor!
I'm obsessed with a city I don't live in....yet.
See you soon LA.