January 10, 2014

As 2014 was approaching, I knew I had to make a slight change in my life. I HAD to own a planner.
This past year was a year of reality and stress. Most of the stress I acquired could've been avoided if I would've simply bought a $7.99 planner from Targé (another way to pronounce Target..I blame the YouTube Vloggers I watch!!).
Not only am I a photographer, but a college student, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Pressure comes from all these roles. Pressure to be fulfilling them in the way I think I should.
In light of this, I'm starting 2014 organized. I'm old school as you can see...I purchased a physical planner.
So what exactly does the cover of my planner say about me?
  1. I have a Tumblr. Which is where I got these photos from.
  2. I own a Fender acoustic guitar. I'm driven by the sound a single guitar string can make.
  3. I listen to Mexican music. I'm a music junkie, and Mexican music fits into my music taste.
  4. I'm in love with a city I don't live in. LA to be exact....my next destination this spring break I can't wait!
  5. I love pizza. Godfather's or Pizza Hut to be precise.
  6. Jennifer Lawrence is currently my favorite actress.
  7. I have dreams.I'm in the process of finding my passion and seeking my purpose. I acknowledge the fact that failure is part of success, which is why I'm not afraid to pursue my dreams. I know I will fail and that's what will keep me going.
  8. I'm from the 503, and Portland is my city.

2025 © Lupe Juarez. Design by FCD.