A Year In Review: Turning 21 in 2016

December 14, 2016

I turned 21 earlier this year during the best month in Oregon. April showers, 60 degree weather, birds chirping early in the morning, and those furry squirrels all over my backyard make it the best month (OK, clearly i'm biased). I had been waiting for this year since I can remember. It was going to mean that my life was going to be almost set, my career choices would be narrowed, I would own my dream car, and I would be drinking coffee, stress-free early in the morning while wearing my comfy, diva slippers. Although none of those happened and I'm now aware of how my body reacts to caffeine because I was rushed to the emergency room, I'm okay with that.

My life is nowhere near set. There's so much I feel that I need to explore and learn about myself. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with what exactly it is that I want to do career wise. A few months ago, photography was something I was sure I was going to leave but trust me, It did not take long for me to realize how unrealistic that would be. I enjoy what I do as a photographer, so I threw that silly idea out the window.

I recently got an internship with a non-profit organization that does work that aligns so well with my values; to empower low income, Latina women and their families. I've also been volunteering with an association that provides resources to farm workers and fights for their rights. Giving back to my community has become something I prioritize. At times it feels like I'm not doing enough, but taking a step back to breathe and realize I can only do so much helps. I may not be able to change the world, but being able to make a small change is enough for me to know that it is worth it.

In light of this blog post, I'm determined to post as much of my work from this year as I possibly can during my winter break.

Turning 21 has been quite the journey. Here's what I learned about myself and life in the year of 2016:

- Patience is a great thing to have.
- "Loneliness comes from a lack of intimate connections" - Cam Adair
- You are the only person you need to be good enough for.
- Coffee is not your friend, let's just say you get quite energetic.
-  Eating cleaner makes you feel amazing.
- Treat yo' self whenever you feel its necessary.
- Continue empowering others and that itself empowers you.
- Manage your time wisely, it will pay the next day, week, month, and year.
- Not everyone has the intentions they say they do.
- Stop doubting yourself.
- Failing a class or feeling like you will fail a class is not the end of the world.
- There is a correlation between getting good grades and the amount of studying one does (this one is a reminder).
- Self help books are your favorite kind of books.
- Appreciate those around you and make sure they know that.
- You want to exclusively shoot wedding photography one day.
- Don't let your happiness depend on anybody but yourself.
- Gilmore Girls has got be be one of your favorite shows, and you will most likely continue binge watching during your break.

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