My sister is 17 now. wow. time flies. She's changed quite a bit since this post.
Aly enjoys dying her hair teal because it turns a different shade of blue or green each week.
She picked up my camera and lenses last week and shot her first senior photos and must I say I'm so proud of her. For those of you who have stuck around with me since I began my photography journey, you know very well that I practiced with her A LOT. and I continue to practice my craft with her because she is beautiful. Beautiful because she looks so much like our mom, and I hope her children one day look at these photos and wonder what she was like as a kid. I'm fondly proud of her because of her growing interest in leadership development, something I never cared about when I was her age. Which is why although she denies it, I am a role model to her. I hope to continue to empower her along the way because she can and will do anything she sets her self to do. Lately she's been learning about her chicana experience and currently volunteers at a non-profit organization that outreaches and empowers homeless youth.
I love you sister and I appreciate as you bear with me, my camera, and my random photo ideas. But hey, at least my ideas involve making you look fabulous ;)