For some reason, it always bothered me as a kid when older people told me how tall I had gotten since the last time they saw me or that they used to change my diapers when I was a baby. "uhhh...thanks for changing my diapers?" But now, when those who tell me they've seen me grow, I appreciate the gift of life and how amazing the human memory works. It is weird that I wish I could see myself in their eyes? nope, you probably would too.
I knew about Alice ever since her mother Lili, a childhood friend of mine, gave her pregnancy announcement. I attended her baby shower and keep up Valeria's selfies on social media.
I can't wait to tell her one day that I knew her ever since she was a baby.
Lili, thank you for having me to take your daughter's first birthday photos. Never would have I imagined that I would photograph Alice because you live far away in my dream city(!!!), however I'm stoked you and Alice Valeria are visiting.

"of course I can stand up, I'm gonna turn one"

not sure if either Charlie or Kiko is in the background but Alice's two pet
dogs made the session a lot of fun photo bombing her photos.

Alice Valeria, you are beautiful inside and out.